You and Your Furry Friend

You’ve just had one of the best meals ever. When you’ve finished, do you show your appreciation by “breaking wind”? And, sometimes, along with the sound, there might be a certain aroma associated. Also, have you noticed your furry friend could also be emitting that certain smell? Sometimes, those odors can clear a room. You and your furry friend didn’t mean to, it’s just a natural result. Everybody does it. We can’t help it – or, can we?

you and your best furry friend

Now, there is a perfect product that safely allows you to never have that embarrassing smell again. This product contains activated charcoal, chlorella, and other ingredients that actually attach to the smelly particles that are inside your body, and neutralize them before they escape. You never have to worry about being the center of attention again – at least for this reason. This is the perfect “tootralizer.”

But, what about man’s best furry friend? Doesn’t your dog often clear a room? Believe it or not, this company also has a product that can assure that Rover won’t be an embarrassment to you again. These peanut butter treats are delicious, and perfect for neutralizing your dog’s innards, just as the human product does for all of us.

Do you worry about safety, for both your gut and that of your furry friend? Both these products are perfectly safe. Originally made for humans, the company realized, and was often asked, that dogs are just as offensive odorwise. And, dogs can’t help themselves; they release their farts whenever they need to. Wouldn’t you want to stop having their functions being the talk of the room?

Now, you can eat whatever you want. What about yummy and healthy snacks?