Looking Up at the Clouds

Have you ever looked up at the sky, and seen so many clouds. Looking up at the clouds, you may notice not all of them look alike; in fact, each one seems to be its own separate shape. What do you see? A bunny? A car? Perhaps a house? And, have you seen that while looking up at the clouds that they change appearance right before your very eyes.

Looking Up at the Clouds

Just looking up and watching how clouds move and change can be so relaxing. Perhaps, you’d like to make this a family project, guessing if others see the same form as you.

And, if the day is beautiful and partly cloudy, why not have a picnic? Lay a blanket on the ground, and look up. And, then, have some fun food. Before you leave home, put in some healthy snacks. It’s so easy to do. All you need is right here. Enjoy your day.